Merch BNB, Bankrupt Slut
Saturday, July 31, 2010
CDXVIII--"As a group of artists and freethinkers, CDXVIII (418) represents the collective effort to inspire and ensure a convergence of Art, Science, and Religion in our modern world ... We earnestly hope, and fully believe, that humanity as a whole is approaching a point in its evolution in which it will experience a major paradigm shift. Through the individual's effort, the trends present in human consciousness have already begun transferring their weight from detrimental ideas that separate self and other, to more universal notions of unity and co-operative expression"--from
Christian Audigier Mural
Bran TRB
Kaiaspire--Where's the Love?
Kaiaspire wonders--where is the love? after an unknown artist threw a can of paint over his installation wall.
Maybe if Kai hadn't capped so many artists, more love would be shown.
It is really interesting to note the difference between the hand painted scrawl and the blackberry piece. It is clear that the mural is not hand painted--at least not by Kai.
Signs Still Changin
Friday, July 30, 2010
Get Dumped
Kaiaspire-- Welcome to the World of Street Art
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Sign Up
Sign Up
One isn't born a street artist. This is made clear by Kaiaspire.
Kai is the son of Jungle Nutz who bequeathed Kai a prime wall on the family owned building just off Melrose. The big white canvas of a wall was a haven for street art and was always changing with fresh new art from some of the worlds top street artists. (earlier feature on wall )
When Kai assumed control of the wall he buffed the wall and kept it clean from other artists. In just under a year Kai has put up two massive installations on the wall--Marlboro themed 'Morons' and Blackberry themed 'Save Yourself'.
I've always felt that art is anything that gets people to view things in a different way. But Kai's work seems to aim for art while missing the mark completely. His installations are simply a mish-mash of tired cliche's slapped together like a high school art project. Yes Marlboro and Morons both start with 'M', does that make it art?-- MelroseandFairfax doesn't think so. Kai's work does not cause the viewer to see something in a new way as much as it tells them how he feels about something-and even that is unclear. Apparently people who smoke are morons and people who use a blackberry need to use caution? or something? Whatever. Viewing Kai's work is less looking at art and more like listening to an old person complain.
It is what it is, but recently Kai ventured off the parents porch and started putting up stickers and wheatpastes in the streets. The thing is, even though Kai was born into a family of street art, it is clear Kai has absolutely no idea what street art is about.
Kai has wandered around a few blocks close to the studio slapping stickers and wheatpastes over anyone. I have said it before, true artists make art. Hacks and haters try to make a name going over true artists and using that for leverage. The complete and haphazard manner that Kai has gone over all kinds of artists shows the true nature of where Kai is coming from--but his complete lack of awareness and knowledge of how the streets work is really fascinating--especially given Kai's 'street art' heritage. If Kai didn't like people painting on his family wall, well welcome to the world of street art where half the artists in the city will be aiming to cap his work.
With work that is so bland and uninspired, it is interesting that Kai chose a name like Kai-aspire. Hopefully he keeps aspiring to make something better because as of now Kai is packaged in his own label--Moron.