Sunday, November 28, 2010

Don't Go Down -Liquid, Asane, Army of One

Liquid, Asane throw up some throw-ups on this abandoned building.

And Army of One's Grenade Boy is always right at home in the madness of the streets--and war. The last pic shows the candle tribute set up below him.

1 comment:

  1. G..Thanks as always our Boy loves the streets and diverse backgrounds in LA....if you look closely , there were many scrawled inscriptions to Elliot Smith ...............

    THE ARMY OF ONE has crash landed on Los Angeles and will be bringing our peaceful Revolution through art and our creative process to the streets of Los Angeles this week ,starting today Veterans Day to bolster support for our brave women and men who are put into harms way by the insanity of THIS WAR!!!!!
    ...our factory is prepared for an assault on the senses every nite….. We search the streets for anything we can use for our art , our message, our destiny and our savior..........I am prepared to face authority and condemnation from the new world order,in order to save a child from the streets and ravages of poverty, disease and war, our images are a metaphor for pain and ignorance to a childs plight, the innocence lost, on political corruption, religious vagrants and corporate greed,Army of One may never end war , poverty nor disease thru our grass roots meanderings and art. But we will bring it to the forefront of American Disgrace…….this Cause i have dedicated my rebirth too…….We who run with the night...............We who are given the vision................
    We are responsible not to lay down with complacency and mediocrity................
    We are the new visionaries
    Our path is clear……Army of One/jc2
    join us............
