Friday, December 24, 2010
An Alec Street Art Xmas
MELROSEandFAIRFAX received the heads up on a fresh new street art video from Alec Monopoly.
Packed full of intense street action, this is an awesome video that shows how Alec is a full "street art addict".
And we love it all the more because it gives a couple dope shout outs to MELROSEandFAIRFAX. Be sure to check it out with the link below
And enjoy the Alec Street Art adaption of A Night Before Christmas.
A Street Art Xmas
T’was the night before Christmas, when streets were at peace,
Not a driver was driving, not even police.
Banners were hung in storefronts with care,
In hopes that tourists soon would shop there.
Families were sleeping all snug in their beds,
With holiday jingles stuck in their heads.
My wife fast asleep while I clutched a pillow case,
The dog in our bed takes up most of the space.
When outside our flat there appeared such a gawker,
I thought it was an LAPD helicopter.
Outside the window I saw a moustache
And a winking man wearing a sash.
The moon was eclipsed, but in the streetlights’ glow,
I could make out his top hat and tuxedo.
When what to my near-sighted eyes should appear?
Some blurry shapes that weren’t quite clear.
Then, with my glasses, I could make out metallic –
I knew it must be that street artist Alec!
Like Mad Max with art supplies in his big black jeep
And with spray can in hand, he was off in a leap:
“Now, Jack! Now, Dylan! Now, Monopoly Man’s!
On traffic boxes, on chimneys, on garbage cans!
Painted on billboards, pasted on walls,
Now dash away, dash away, before somebody calls!”
A smile on his face and a tip of his head
Let me know I had nothing to dread.
He spoke not a word, save for his sprayer,
Stenciling my street like a city surveyor.
Then laying his finger aside of his nose,
And giving a nod, away he drove.
But I saw what he tagged once he drove out of sight:
“Happy Holidays to all, and to all a good night!”
- John Wellington Ennis
Big THANKS to John Wellington Ennis for producing the video, creating the poem, and sharing. Very impressive. You can check out more about democracy's high stakes and see more of John's work at Pay2Play
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