Monday, March 28, 2011
Random Act of Flowers - Live Painting with Andrea LaHue
We chanced upon street artist/fine artist Andrea LaHue as she was painting one of her beautiful flowers on La Brea. And it is interesting to look at the juxtaposition between the advertisement in the background compared to the flower. People often ask the difference between street art and advertising, and this shot really exemplifies it well.
Click the jump for more
Andrea told us that she was just getting back in town after a brutal winter in New York. Although she travels all over, and has hand painted flowers in over 100 cities, she said she considers LA her home, and is glad to be back.
We are thrilled to have her back. Her beautiful, hand painted flowers are one of the best things on the streets. And we look forward to more blooms popping up in the area.
Andrea's artist name is Random Act, and truly, it was a random act of coincidence coming up on her during this painting. (we actually wanted to turn the other direction, but when traffic wouldn't allow it, we turned this way and chanced upon Andrea--funny how life hands you these things!).
It was wonderful to meet Random Act in person. You can check out more of her on her website. Stay up, and stay pretty~
***Her travelling companions are her two dogs, Buckley and friend. And we did a little different write up more focused on the animals over on Qtips blog. Cute and fierce!***
Love what she does.
OMG I wish I could've met her. I just saw her artwork today, I had been working at west hollywood this weekend and my heart just fluttered! I LOVE this, and when they kept popping up I was just AMAZED, I hope she knows how much I LOVE and appreciate her flowers :)