After getting arrested last week, Smear was sentenced by the judge.
Smear was sentenced to 13 days in jail and 45 days graffiti removal. He was charged with violating his probation-not for having art supplies as the sheriff's office had originally accused him of.
In fact, the judge made clear that Smear is allowed to keep the tools he needs for painting.
The probation violation that Smear was charged with was posting pictures street shots on his website.
It sucks that Smear got messed with, but we are glad that he is back out on the streets.
For more info,
read the new article on the LA Times. They have been giving great coverage of the entire saga.
After reading the interview with him on The Dirt Floor's website it's hard not to be distracted by the thick air of sexist douche baggery that permeated most of his answers. His art aside, I don't think I'm a fan of him as a person- which makes it difficult to have much sympathy for him.