Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Streets Are My Gallery?

New piece from Septerhed saying 'The Streets Are My Gallery', but we don't understand the composition of this piece.

Its made up of 3 different images, an etched eagle with a crest, a bucket with a cartoon smily face, and a photoshopped cut out of a pasting brush.

The piece is not bad, it has powerful imagery and we like the idea, but it confuses us?

Maybe that's what Septerhed was going for, but if the streets are a gallery, then there has to be a refined message, and in this piece in particular, we don't understand the artist's voice.

Up with a piece next to low_d who has a clear aesthetic based on chemical love.


  1. Meaning instead of having your art hang in a gallery, post it on the street for all viewing pleasure so everyone can see & enjoy it unlike a art gallery where the view is limited to certain people. Posting art on the street sends a message and the message gets out of hundreds of people a day. I'm guessing the eagle is symbolizing freedom of posting your art anywhere you please.

  2. Thats what I was thinkin.

    And Nii, put a piece up out front of neo cafe on the box you got some stickers on... someone left a hand written note asking if you have a facebook because they like anime also hahaha.


  3. Thats what i got from it too Nii. Pretty dope!

  4. The streets are my gallery!! This is the most amazing and original phrase i have ever seen!

  5. LOL

    some 8th grader made this that just learned how to use photoshop lol

    lets hope he makes better art next year in 9th grade photoshop

    THIS IS THE WORST, stuff in the world

  6. give me 30 minutes with a computer and I could cut and paste something better than this


  7. Niiofficial obviously has no clue what's up

    not only that but i think the hate that Septer Bread brings to the table with
    with his racist looking ass so called art that i'm sure he has no idea that he's doing, this looks like a KKK add from a far or a war add then u get closer and it sucks even more,

    this is great thx Septer Bread for giving the community something to rally against to unify a clear understanding of crappy so called art
    most hated so called artist goes to.....septer bread

  8. Dear Anoymous: No matter what you think of Septerhed, he's out there doing it and Im guessing your not.

  9. ^ Ya... but you didn't now.... did you?

  10. I don't see Spterhed on MOCA's list. Regardless of what you think of the piece this IS Art in the Streets.

  11. Hate? Racism? This is the funniest stuff I've heard in a long time. Keep em coming. The only hate I see here is from people commenting.

  12. racist he is not.

    photoshop he might


    how can you use the comment box to say the most hateful things you can think of.

    you either like it or you don't, it doesn't make the artist the worst thing since hitler

  13. Wow I think anonymous may have a little unrestrained aggression towards Septer Hed. Who ever it may be. Especially if it is an artist, should probably stop hating so much and go out and do him/her or whatever. I have met graffiti artist who would fucking die and kill for the shit that they write, and it gives street art a real bad fuckin name when other artists are hating under anonymous on the internet. That shit is whack as fuck to me. Egos will always clash in a competitive environment, but hiding your identity and talking shit like that is weak. DO YOU HATER..... DO YOU.....


  14. The previous rant from 'Anonymous' sounds strikingly similar to someone I have met in person - and that is unfortunate.

    Someone told me, "if you are going to interrupt the conversation - at least have a good point."

  15. Created my own 'Most Awesome Artist in LA Award' and Septerhed wins. It was a close tie with myself, but I really like American Eagles and paste buckets.

  16. Its pretty cool but the phrase is pretty unoriginal Desire Obtain Cherish pretty much used close to the exact same thing

  17. I see this piece every day on the way to work... I end up repeating the phrase over in my head a few times. Reminds me to keep an eye open during the rest of my journey.

  18. confused- isn't crewest and 2bad Resfresh your gallery???

  19. people are insane. How is this a celebration of street art? Stay on topic and don't personally attack an artist because you dislike what you see. Really, you should all be ashamed of yourselves for pulling such hate driven comments.

    Racist? You make it seem Septerhed did a portrait of the the Grand Dragon of the KKK. It's just a picture of an eagle holding a bucket of something. Yeeeesh.

  20. this piece is a statement about freedom. the freedom of street art aside from curated gallery art. it's pretty plain and simple. 20 bucks says that "free" is the one talking shit here. i can almost guarantee it.. whoever it is, they're one jaded motherfucker

  21. blah, blah, blah... everyone should just go kill themselves!


  22. Septer is a Photoshopping,Spotjacking,Cut and Pasting Son of a Bitch!.... Who also happends to be a Friend of mine! i Fucking Love that sick Fuck -
    Killed Supports SEPTERHED! I also Take daily doses of Septer blood to keep Bombing everyday, Killed aprroved!
    Coming Soon to a Store Near you!
    SEPTERBLOOD ! Get your Septer on With a Vile SepterBlood
    Only 3 easy payments of 6 dollars and 66 cents!

  23. Niiofficial pretty much nailed it. I don't understand the personal attacks. It's weird to me to put down someone on a blog over a piece of paper. Desire Obtain Cherish did do something similar, but the wording was different. I agree with Abdul...the people spewing hatred do sound familiar...which is unfortunate. What a waste of time. As for all the photoshop bashes...gimmie a guys think you have somehow shockingly revealed me to be a hack? I use photoshop all the time. Who cares. It's just 1 medium. As far as the skillset being the 8th or 9th grade...thats funny to me as well. I never used photoshop in the 8th or 9th grade. I was too busy drawing with sharpies. So the bad news to the few septenemies is that your aggression just makes me want to try harder and make more. I just want to make art...I always have. If you don't like my art...thats fine. But the personal attacks are pathetic. If I have wronged you...I am sure that it was left with a sincere apology and a civil departure. Let it go.

    Stay Up Get Up

  24. Dammit....all I really wanted to say (but I forgot) was that the best comment on here is from JTS...HANDS DOWN!!!!

