Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Free Humanity - Dollar Tank

Free Humanity is always employing new methods of getting up. And this new 'Dollar Tank' piece, features a silhouette of a tank cut out of a one dollar bill. With a 'Free Humanity' stamp on the wall underneath.

It brings to the forefront the fact that America is spending more money supporting the military industrial complex than it is its own people through social programs.

This dollar tank is a collaboration with Free employing the technique of UK artist Silent Bill.

Dig it.


  1. really love how on one of the photos it completely blends into the other bill and the tank disappears


  2. All I see is a dead cockroach, but cool either way.

  3. "employing the technique of UK Artist"? Umm, looks more like a straight bite off the UK Artist.

  4. and it will be gone by tomorrow!! :(

  5. good grief, seems like no matter how interesting and cool a piece is, there's always haters. keep up the great work F.H. i dig it.

  6. I am the said UK artist and can confirm that this was all above board. Free being the kind sir that he is (And also a mate) contacted me about the Melrose piece and has credited me with the extra added bonus of making ppl aware of my website. Thats a refreshing change in the art world.

  7. two top quality artists nuff said! xact amondo

  8. if he gave props to the OG artist..than props to F.H....it's a good start...some artist need to start doing more of that...instead biting and then acting like they came up with it...

  9. its funny how without a super detailed explanation, i wouldnt know what the fuck this was supposed to be

  10. So what exactly did FH contribute to this piece? The kindergarten flower on the tank? Props to the original artist, and thats it. FH is trash.
