Friday, August 19, 2011

Spot Battle Continues . . . Street Art vs. Graffiti

This spot has been going back and forth between graffiti artists and wheat pastes from Maverick.

Maverick comes back big with a huge paste that says Operator something(?). Interesting effect how they somehow uncovered face of John Stewart from a previous John Stewart piece under some graffiti from Thurs.

Up with a new piece from Madman and more from Rabi, Buff Monster, Inseyet, Not Me, Sancho and more.


  1. It's a Templar Magic Square, from the Knights Templar fame of the critically acclaimed Nicholas Cage film National Treasure. "Sator Arepo tenet opera rotas" - is Latin and it's loose translation is "the farmer Arepo keeps the world rolling."

    no matter which way you read it - sans diagonally, the text reads the same - up down, left right - (b,a,b,a - start).

  2. Deff diggN big bold B&W.
    More more more!

  3. Interesting maverick piece!
    & that madman is fresh & SO clean

