Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Morley Gets the Last Word
Even with the Scientology posters aiming at Morley, he gets up enough that you can't keep him down.
This piece is placed a short distance from the one that got capped posted earlier today. And it seems to address the hate directly saying 'Envious Denigration is the Sincerest Form of Flattery'.
Ironically, this piece seems to have attracted its own detractors. This is put where homeless people line up, and it looks like some scrawls were put on and around the poster talking some random smack from Blackout.
In our book, Morley is most definitely an artist, and a profound one. He has a real gift for capturing a thought and sharing it in a short form on the street. It is like public Bukowski poetry, but with a much more positive spin. He is one of M&F's favorites. Stay up, Morley!
Love It!!!