Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Art Wall Coming Back!

The art wall at Traction in downtown Los Angeles is starting to fill back in with an assortment of posters popping up on the wall. Fresh work from All the Girls Love Earl, Fuxus, Phobik, Obey, Zuzu Gold and more.


  1. wheatpasters wouldn't diss that aussie queen Lister but they diss L.A.'s own Blah and Huf?

  2. Diss? Isn't this wall open for anything?! It's about time posters went back up! More graffiti more posters more everything all the time!!!!

  3. BLA and HUF covered the poster walls first, they hit several all over the LA area that had posters. Seems like a statement, not a respectful one. But hey, this is graffiti... whatcha gonna do? The residents themselves told me that they liked the posters way more than an average letter piece that can be seen anywhere in LA. So, seems like the BLA HUFR guys are the ones that were "dissing", this wall is just getting taken back.

  4. Don't call it a comeback.!/american_hotel/status/198254070794944514/photo/1

  5. True, but Ive talked to some of the
    Residents of that building, and they actually enjoyed listers work, 0.0
    Besides blah a huf went over him anyways. Lister lasted a short while
    But this lasted much longer.

  6. I lived there (The American Hotel) when the city first part in the grafitti artists in 1991. I became pals with Raul, an amazing artist who painted one wall with a mural of Magic Johnson. I still have a napkin he drew for me!

  7. It's traction st. The wall that continuously changes shapes. Remember ?????????

  8. Because Listers was a interesting pieces of art. There's nothing interesting in someone's name in bubble letters.

  9. I wanna start up shit!!! I can't draw or have tha balls to go out there and wheat paste or do graffiti so I wanna say shit, instigate and sign it as anonymous. That's the only thing I'm good at! Fuck graffiti and fuck street art! No body is good just me!!!!

  10. the way i heard the story, from inside the building, is that dudes showed up, borrowed a ladder and without permission went over everybody. then stole the ladder. that did not really endear dude or his art work with the residents of the building. i'm surprised it ran as long as it did. move on. next subject.
