Tuesday, September 11, 2012

911 Was An Inside Job

Its true.  How it is possible that the buildings could fall just as fast as a demolition--because they were demolished.

It is an ugly, scary truth, and one that most Americans have refused to come to terms with.

But discerning minds will realize that it takes a lot more gullibity to believe 911 was a random terrorist accident which led to the complete demolition of multiple buildings in New York--even a building never hit by the planes.  We won't delve deep into the conspiracy theories about what went on, but if you don't know, look into it.

911 was an inside job.  We honor the heros who lost their lives because of it.

These pasters showed up overnight on Melrose, on 9/11.


  1. Why would they care which direction the buildings fell?

  2. It's a shame you can be so disrespectful to all of the innocent lives that were lost by this horrible act of terrorism by even humoring the thought that it was an act done by the government. It's also an insult to the country to believe that our own leaders would construct such an act.

  3. I too believe it was an inside job, and in believing that I am not disrespecting anyone who lost their lives. I believe it is terrible that our government used those innocent people to do their dirty work. I will never forget those who lost their lives, they are heroes. Freedom means freedom of speech, and belief.

    1. Sadly freedom has never been free. We have always payed for it one way or another. In the currency of freedom, there too is inflation. We find our freedoms being brought into question and are slowly seeing them taken away from us. It is a price tag we can no longer afford.
