Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Inter-VIEWS Art Show
The Curio Studio introduces a new art show exhibition entitled Inter-VIEWS. It is the perfect title as the show is being Guest-Curated by Los Angeles art uber-enthusiast, Daniel Rolnik. It seems that Daniel has a hand in almost every corner of LA's art world and is a blogger, documentarian, producer, and now curator. Daniel really understands the art world, and Inter-Views should offer a special look at the art work selected.
The roster of artists includes street artists Jesse Hazelip, Hieronymus and Septerhed. The opening is on October 6th. Full details can be found on the flyer.
Included below is an exclusive description from Hieronymus about his work in the show.
"I made the frame for "In Vision" from the repurposed antique lumber of a cabin in Virginia. My family operates an architectural antiques business in North Carolina and the South, which buys and conserves cabins and old homes, so the conservation of materials and their line of work have had a positive influence on my aesthetics, interests in history, use of materials, and creativity...I had been living in LA since 2005, but am now in North Carolina with a commitment to bringing a big street art project to the state in the coming year...My characters are tribal, centered beings, rooted with nature and in touch their inner beings. They are filled with imagination and possibility. The work you will have is a prime example of this series of characters I have been creating more recently. It is unique in that it is unlike any other character I have developed and it has gone through many layers to form the image of a character who is clothed in an imagined ancient garb, surrounded with headwear like that of a tribesman. He is an individual who is built for survival with a mind infinitely expanding. "
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