Monday, March 18, 2013
Morley Medals - Thanks for Being a Real Person (and Not an Asshole All the Time!)
Morley just made a video for a fun new project entitled the 'Morley Medals'.
The medals were designed not only to reward people for good behavior, but with the goal of inspiring people behave better. Fun concept, and from the looks of the video it looks like everyone, including Morley, had fun doing this.
You've seen Morley before, but check out Morley's Medals video to see Morley looking sharp in a judge's tux~
Morley Medals from One Small Instrument Pictures on Vimeo.
(click the jump for more pics and to read Morley's description about what led to these awards)
In 2009 the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to President Barack Obama. The Nobel Committee’s decision drew mixed reactions, many questioning exactly what Obama had done to deserve such an award, having only become president the previous year. The notion was arrived at by some that the award was given to spur Obama to pursue peaceful leadership, and perhaps encourage him to earn the honor. This gave me an idea for “The Human Being Award”, an award for people who are able to behave like decent human beings that live in a society and can treat others with basic kindness and respect. Sadly in this day and age, this is not as common a behavior as it should be and as such, deserves to be acknowledged. I decided to dress up, in appropriate medal presenting attire, and hide my medals throughout Los Angeles. While I can’t know for sure who would find them, or if they did indeed deserve “The Human Being Award”, I hoped that whoever stumbled across the medals would, if nothing else, be encouraged to earn the distinction.
I want one