Publish Enemies(?) going right over a cool artistic piece from low_d.

^Glory piece from Publish Enemies that managed to make it above Dog Byte's Thought Bubbles. This is how street art should be. Then another piece joins the party, and it just keeps getting better~ but . . .

^finally, Publish Enemies goes right over the top of Join the Surveillance.
Publish Enemies is making the rounds and making enemies.
We weren't fans of the first versions of Publish Enemies' 'hats' that first showed up around town. Honestly, the 'logo' is whack (can't like everything on the streets). And when the hat capped right over a Bankrupt Slut hand painted paster, we liked it even less.
The thing is, we really like these new 'Glory' pasters, and would like to see them ride for awhile, but instead it seems that Publish Enemies plans to go right on making more enemies and keep capping over other street art, like with JTS and low_d both at the spot pictured above.
We've heard it all before-"That's part of the streets" "It happens" "It can't be helped with so many artists trying to get up" blah, blah, blah, blah-blah. We call Bullshit~
Take farting, for example. Just because farting is natural, and it happens, does not mean someone should keep farting in a room full of people. Its just wrong. Putting art up by going over is just farting on the streets.
We encourage Publish Enemies to 'clinch those cheeks', quit farting around town, and start putting up art in a way that makes the scene stanky, not stinky.
Sorry bro the hat and glasses is going to stay!! The pieces were faded or torn that they went over, would never disrespect like that. So before your start making an enemy make sure you know who you shit on. I would be happy to meet you at anytime?? Your entitled to your options even though there shit!! I was running a business on fairfax before you had a thought worth a shit and I blew it up. See you soon!! My New Enemy!!
ReplyDeletei saw the JTS robots the day before and were still prime. Publish Enemy IS WEAK.
ReplyDeleteNice! This is why no one takes LA street art seriously except LA Street Artists...
ReplyDeletePublic Enema - Your art is ugly, just like your attitude...
ReplyDeleteJTS was not prime and I totally dig that art! So please hit me up and I would be totally willing to help promote and bomb his shit in one of my business or on the street. sorry dude!!! People take street art very seriously and some guys have build or garnered global recognition. So dude know the facts before you make stupid comments. Publish Enemies is going to fight and establish a place for artists to express themselves, art, comics, film!! Not everyone will love the art or the film but, we will be creating, YOU? Anonymous posts are a way for scared and angry people to vent behind a screen. We are here you know where to find me, we will be the dudes and girls creating shit and getting an Enema!! love those, gets the poison out!!
ReplyDeleteSounds like Publish Enemies is a new tag. What "creations" have you come up with? You sound like a jock who suddenly found out that street art might make you some money. Keep talking smack, Public Emema. You're the "Mr. Brainfreeze" of Fairfax.
ReplyDeleteGo ride more cock dickrider!! Yeah was athletic and I can rumble and yeah I run business. So that means I can't do publish art and comics mine or my homies!! Who losers really think they know best because you are so cool and broke. Grow up homie!! Like I said please any of you pussy want to meet up me and my friends will be at The Dime on Fairfax on weds night of and dickrider already had his enema!!
ReplyDeletepublish enema's art is a joke!! and you sound like a tool!! just because you put paper on the streets does not make you a artist. the people have spoken, and the people say "peeh-yew" it stinks around here.
ReplyDeleteI accept all opinions bad and worse!! Check out winston's we have let Jim Mahfood run wild by putting his art work everywhere. We are also going to be putting up ours and other artists works at The Dime! If your interested check it out and if not keep hating because it is really getting you places!!
ReplyDeleteYou own Winstons? That explains a lot.
ReplyDeleteYou own nothing you loser and your attitude explains tons!!
ReplyDeletewow. what an insecure douche. go back to the east coast loser.