Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Never Buy A Piece of Art You Can Make Yourself

New sticker from Free Humanity saying 'Never Buy A Piece of Art You Can Make Yourself'.


  1. Nice to see these in the streets

  2. Looks like I wont be buying anything from Free Humanity anytime soon. I couldn't afford it anyways, his pieces are worth a ridiculous amount of money

  3. ^^ lol, whats ridiculous mean...?

    are people paying hundreds? thousands? millions?

    i dont get it, if you put a bunch of stuff out on the street, even if a lot of it is the same, does that make the are worth a lot of money???

    if so im in the wrong business...

  4. not sure someone thought their clever little statement through

  5. it's from his LAtimes interview where free said humbly "my pieces will probally be worth a ridiculous amount of money someday" haaaaaha when i read that line I lost any remaining respect i had for that guy. free's a toy if there ever was one. this sticker is poorly done and just flat out BAD. with a negative statement as usual from the most "in it for the wrong reasons" artist of all time- free humanitrash

  6. i need to buy one of these in my gallery

  7. So is that why he rips of Banksy's balloon girl?

  8. MEh...I like supporting other artists...
    I don't like absolutism zealotry "never..." bleh.

    "Zealotry is a man, blind and deaf, holding a megaphone." -THEFL


  9. Funny: thats the exact reason I haven't copped a FH piece yet.

  10. THEFL knows what's up. Where's that dude been on the street?

  11. is that a stencil?

  12. THEFL has been on a brief hiatus working on music and slaved to the 9 - 5 (aka 8am to 11pm). Returning soon...very very very. Hehe. At least we as a community have the likes of Snyder and DD$, amongst many others continuing to amaze and inspire locally...

  13. guess i will not be buying or even caring about free humanity.. his shits just not original at all very boring and plain google clip art with lame writing! he needs art school
