Tuesday, September 6, 2011

LA VS WAR - A Real Review

A few days ago, M&F wrote a short review of the upcoming 'LA VS WAR' show. We did it at the request of some artists in the community, although a bit reluctantly, because the thing sounds like a big cluster fuck.

Give it up already and get off the streets~

We have tried to support this show and look the other way, but this show is marketing itself as a street art show at the same time they are disrespecting the streets. LA VS WAR has been going around town capping legitimate street artists with 'marketed' posters which are essentially advertisements. Either they have some agression directed towards the street art community, or they are just clueless. We think they might be clueless . . .

Our open review of the LA VS WAR show is that it doesn't accomplish anything. In no way will this show decrease or diminish 'war' in the world. A lot of people will say about something, "As long as it changes one person's mind, it will be a success!" But this show doesn't even accomplish that-- unless you really think that someone might go to the show and say, "You know, I used to really be in favor of war, but after today, I'm not". Essentially, it is nothing more than a lame circle jerk of something that suggests political activism, but really doesn't accomplish anything.

The purpose of this seems solely to have the event itself. With over 100 artists participating, and almost as many DJ's (really!?), it sounds like a jumbled mess. This is not an event that will attract buyers. Sure, maybe some posters and prints might sell at an event like this, but no pricey artwork will sell. The only real money that seems to be made stands to come from the $5 admission fee that it costs to get in. It seems if someone wants to reach the masses and have a real 'anti-war' experience, they wouldn't charge admission for the revolution. And, we could be mistaken, but from what we have heard none of the admission money or proceeds from the show are planned to be donated towards any anti-war causes. This is not a fund raiser--this is a money earner.

Sure. Of course there are costs involved with hosting an event like this, but there are plenty of ways to host an event without incurring such costs, and more effective ways of sharing an anti-war message with the people. Art is one of the most powerful tools in this world. Recently, political graffiti has been used to spark revolutions in Syria and Libya. This artwork at LA VS WAR doesn't seem to use art to make a statement as much as uses art as a commodity. Of course there are bound to be some brilliant, poignant pieces of art at this show by the individual artists, some networking and some nuggets of wisdom in the teach ins, or what have you, but they are limited to the experience of the people on hand. Anti-war art at an anti-war show is a bit like preaching to the choir, and it seems to sell short the power of what art can do.

We don't want to sound too harsh as we always want to support the artists, and the idea behind this show. But this show is trying to market itself as a street art show, but it is not. When all you do is go around putting up flyers advertising an event, it is not street art. LA VS WAR is just using the streets for advertising without wanting to pay for a billboard. Give it up already, and get off the streets~


  1. finally someone says the truth about this crap... and i love all the artists in this show and loooking forward to it but im not liking what the show did in the streets at all

  2. ohh....I thought LA vs War was a new T-shirt being advertised by Crooks and Castles. This makes more sense.

  3. street art is an endless cycle, work goes up, comes down, more work goes on top, street artist work in a medium of change, and if they can't embrace that, then they need to work in a studio, or gallery, where the work will stay pretty forever behind a nice piece of glass.

  4. there's more than one kind of war out there... and just because the people they've hired apparently know nothing about the rules of pasting up, doesnt mean it wont be a good event. Lots of great artists have come together for this event, and to my knowledge they are all street artists. That would then make it a street art show. stop being so negative and just support the art. isn't that what your website is supposed to do? showcase the street art around LA? not give us one sided opinions.

  5. ^thanks so much for that smart ass!!! this blog does support the street art by showcasing it - and they do it for free!!!! that alone should allow them to write whatever the hell they want - and guess what, you get to write whatever the hell you want too - kinda nice isn't it? . so easy to be the critic. go make your own blog POS!!

  6. a bit one sided , what do the other guys have to say

  7. did your cat write this review? seriously, this is not a real critique.


  9. LA VS WAR is already destroying us haha
    I support the art, artists and this show.
    We all will come together as people and connect through art, thats the only meaning we need...whatever the opinion. Support it all.
    See you all at the show, take care.

  10. I believe many of the organizers of LA VS WAR are washed up bitter artists and they take this opportunity to demonstrate their resentment towards the current street artist community.

  11. obviously his cat didnt write this review he has paws

  12. How can all the major artists in LA be talking shit on this post but yet not one of there comments showed up on here I think u should open this thing up for a debate and not just post the ones u like

  13. by "destroying us" I meant by all the negativity. much love.

  14. crooks and castles vs. war

  15. totally agree with the 4th entry, dont judge a book by the cover, this show is gonna be fantastic in terms of the art that's gonna be displayed for the people. over 100 confirmed artist are gonna make this one heck of a event for 2011!! and those dudes that r pasting up those LA VS WAR... think yall need to team up with those DTA goons who capped that dame and krush piece on melrose, yall need to enroll back in school and LEARN THE BASIC'S!!!!! RESPECT YOUR ELDERS!!!!!

  16. respect your elders? LA vs War has been around forever....

  17. I dont think the $5 to get in is that big of a deal, nor do i think it would generate a great deal of profit. The overhead cost to put on an event like this would be huge, nobody is going to get rich from this. I have paid more to see much less.


  18. "obviously his cat didnt write this review he has paws"

    haha nice


  19. Its a five dollar donation it says it right on the listing online. u knew it was a donation for charity

  20. LA vs War was not a street art show but included a lot of street artists with messages of social justice ie Free Humanity, Leba, YO PEACE, LydiaEmily,Favianna Rodriguez, Enek - need I say more. The $5 dollar donation paid security, parking, street closures, permits, insurance, stencil workshop supplies, power, venue etc. All the stuff you have to provide when producing a community event.
    Check out the show for yourself.
