Monday, September 5, 2011

Yoga Inspire

Some 'Yoga Inspire' pastes have been showing up all over town.

These don't seem to be advertising any particular yoga spot, but just encouraging people to be inspired to do yoga.

Dig it. Yoga can (and will) change your life. Believe this pose is warrior one. Stay up~


  1. (veer-ah-bah-DRAHS-anna)
    Virabhadra = the name of a fierce warrior, an incarnation of Shiva, described as having a thousand heads, a thousand eyes, and a thousand feet, wielding a thousand clubs, and wearing a tiger's skin - aka badass yoga move

  2. YEAH !!! Its Virabhadrasana 2 aka Warrior 2, and it was a blast putting up with My Mom driving and My Wife Rockin' With !!! Thanks For The Support !!!! YOGA, BE THE INSPIRATION

  3. waowwwwwww
    fantastic what a nice job

    yigit yazici
