Thursday, October 20, 2011

Mr. Brainwash - 'That Would Make A Good Stencil'

Mr. Brainwash does have a great eye for art, especially photos. Nearly every time we go on a photo shoot with Brainwash, he pulls us aside and points out a great photo opportunity. And every time its prime.

This time he pointed out this grizzled looking old man, holding up his hands as if to frame a picture, and said 'This is a great shot . . . he would make a great stencil'. Its true.

Then, noticing that the guy was noticing how we were taking pictures of him, Mr. Brainwash went over to shake his hand, say hi, and pose for a photo with him.

I Dig it ~ And yet another glimpse of the way that Mr. Brainwash sees the world.


  1. that last shot is great!

  2. The man is an artist named Bob, who has a son who has created work for the artshow.

    My wife and I had the pleasure of meeting him while we were there last Sunday night.

    One cool cat.
