Thursday, January 19, 2012

Free Palestine

Some political graffiti in support of a free Palestine saying 'Muslims are NOT non-persons.

We haven't been following the story closely, but apparently graffiti is being used by Palestinian supporters in Israel last week.

Sprayed on the skeleton of MBW's old building.


  1. What does this even mean? Go make yourself useful and slap a burka on the head of your women, or stone to death a couple holding hands who aren't married, or better yet go blow up a pizza parlor.

    For years we've had to deal with Christian bullshit and now these people come around even more backwards than any Christian and we're supposed to what? Like them? :/ For fuck sake God, can you give us a break?

    Let us pray.
    Dear God, I pray you take every Christian, every Muslim, and every Jew and put them on a battlefield where they can once and for all murder each other until the last one is standing. I pray God that once the last man is standing we tell a room full of teenagers that whoever kills this last man gets all the free video games they could ever play FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIVES!

    and then ... we can have a FUCKEN PARTY!!!


  2. you are a loser SABO, and you are not an artist and your work is terrible. go cry to your mother, you cornball

  3. Sabo never shuts the fuck up. He's ruining this blog.
