Monday, February 20, 2012

"Dear Sir: To Teacher, From a Teacher"

MELROSEandFAIRFAX have enjoyed supporting Teacher in his endeavors. Not only is Teacher an impressive artist, but the message is worthy of being championed, and we are happy to support those fighting the good fight.

Teacher just received a nod of recognition for his efforts, in a flattering email from an actual teacher, which thanks Teacher, for championing the cause for teachers everywhere.

Big thanks to all the teachers who perform such a noble job. And congrats to Teacher for effectiveness in spreading the word! Enjoy the letter below:

Hello Sir!

I saw your email on Melrose, have been following your work via the web (As I am up the seattle area), and wanted to drop you a line to say "right on" (as we say up here).

I teach Biology, and use art (all forms) as a means to show my "kids" that science is another version of art. My wife has an MFA from UofM (mich) so my two girls have art all over the place in our house, and we are doing it constantly (my wife teaches too)..

Just wanted to say "Hey", and that I think your art is wonderful, and your push to push teaching as it should be, into the forefront of kids (and adults, I teach at a C.C.) lives as a means to be (in general) a better person, ROCKS!!

I'd like to support you in your work, and family. Do you sell your stuff to folks like me, and if so, how would one go about getting some?

Peace, and Thank you!


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