Monday, August 6, 2012

Politically Motivated

The Animal in Man 'Wanted' poster that was riding at this spot got torn down off the wall.

For some reason, only the piece from Animal in Man was scraped off while the other pieces were left alone.  Since election season is coming up, and Animal in Man's was the only political piece riding (scouring Robert Rizzo), it makes one wonder if the selective buff is politically motivated.

Next to Ciphe, Wil, Save the Panduhs and more.


  1. Well this is just stupid. Animal In Man is putting these pasters to expose awareness of the "REAL" thieves who have yet to be convicted in our very own backyards.

  2. Ive seen a few ripped off and spraypainted in Bell and in DTLA without a culprit. Apparently Robert Rizzo still has advocates.
