Saturday, December 29, 2012

Snyder - The Evolution of a Mural

Last week the world didn't end as the Mayans predicted.  As people jokingly pointed out, if the Mayans were any good at predicting the future, then there would still be Mayans.

Anyhoo, the day that the world was supposed to end also happened to fall on Snyder's actual birthday.  In honor of this event, Snyder painted a giant self portrait mural entitled 'Happy Birthday Doodle - The Mayans'.

Snyder is a master at utilizing the native environment.  Notice how Snyder incorporated a plant growing at this location into a house plant on the mural.  Dig it~

Snyder documented his full artistic process behind this piece in a post called 'The Evolution of a Mural' over on his website Carlsbad Crawl.  And, Carlsbad Crawl is also hosting a FREE GIVEAWAY for an original Snyder painting.  The contest ends tomorrow, but it is super easy to enter.  Full details HERE.

Keep Livin' and Stay Up!

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