Tuesday, December 21, 2010

JDI - Steady Slammin

^La Gracias sticker. And we like to see this dude capped, but apparently Jesus is rolling with the JDI crew~

^JDI all over. Batler, Smacks.

^JDI and Last Train to Paris sticker

JDI travels with cans of paint and stickers-a lot of stickers.

Melrose and Fairfax got absolutely slammed by JDI stickers.

We dig the crew listing ones. JDI- Glout, Efurt, Duart, Ragu, Disr, Rekoil, Satch, Nosy, Arsr, Akade, Drool, Subs, Hand, Tuner, Gumbie, Neats, Jaw, Kougher, Otis, Berbo, Branded.

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