Sunday, January 16, 2011

Frog Face

Melrose has spoken, and even though Jonny Style's mural is not yet finished, it has already been tagged up . . .

Jonny angered a lot of local artists and street art aficionados when he took it upon himself to buff a burgeoning wall, and replace it with one of his murals.

What he put on the wall is exactly what we expected. Ripped off characters in stale packaging.

Its not awful, but its just not that good. Jonny has no name-even in France. An Google search doesn't even pull up one page of art on the first two pages, and after that, just like with his art, we got bored.

This early tag seems to suggest that after Jonny disrespected the true street artists up on the wall, he will find out what it means to put a piece on the street.


  1. that fake tolouse lautrec shit is busted. jonny no-style should consider himself a marked man. watch your back, jonny-boy.

    failed :-)

  3. Here today, and gone tomorrow....

  4. dont know what everyone has against jonny, at least he paints and draws himself, and honestly this looks way better than all the trash ever pasted up on there anyway..
