Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Hang Loose

George Washington throwing the 'hang loose' sign.

From Kaiaspire.

Kai put the website right on the paster, which seems to go against Shepard Fairey's 'Phenomenology' and makes this an advertisement rather than art. So we checked out the site. (Sigh). Not to hate on Kai. But the website seems to demonstrate a lot of what is wrong in the world of street art right now. The website has a clean layout and looks good, but it markets Kai as a street artist, and then says that Kai had 16 pieces in a recent gallery show. That is fine, but it is 12 more than we have seen on the streets from Kai all year long. And the idea poorly manipulated ads save the viewer from other ads just doesn't make sense to us? And the George Washington is a cool piece. We can dig it. But we are pretty sure that Kai did nothing as far as the actual painting of this piece, so what does that make it for art?

It is well known that Kai is a relative of Mr. Brainwash and Junglenuts, but Kai seems to approach the whole street art thing from a reluctant son dragging his feet into the family business rather than a truly driven street artist. Hang loose, brah. Hang loose.


  1. thats not the hang loose sign. hang loose is done with the the thumb and pinky

  2. hang loose? that aint hang loose. those are devil horns man. not a shaka.. brah! dont get it twisted

  3. That is not the Hang Loose sign--thats the Rockn Roll/Ozzy/Satan/horns sign.

    Hang Loose is the thumb and pinky finger-

  4. lmfao it seems like you never have anything nice to say about kai are you mad at him for some reason ive looked at all youre "articals" and youre just a hater. his work is pretty sick and you cant say if he did or didnt paint anything bc im pretty sure you never stepped foot in his studio
