Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Suprise Action Shots! Ballerina Black

Chanced upon Ballerina Black bombing a rooftop spot!

This was pretty cool. Yesterday M&F was driving down Beverly when we saw a big blur of motion on this rooftop. Pulled the car over to the side and checked it out--and it was Ballerina Black bombing the rooftop spot at dusk.

Ballerina Black is a band that does street art. They were always kind of mysterious, but always seem to hit hot spots around town as well.

He capped the Felix tag at the bottom and a bit of the piece that was riding at this spot, and he said something along the lines that the new kids needed a little reminder about who had been around for awhile. But most of the Felix piece is still riding.

Cool thing to chance upon, and another example of how LA's streets are busy with street art.


  1. So capping people is cool now? just another band trying to use the streets to make a name... meh.

  2. Yeah, except those are crappy, zeroxed posters and theyre not even pasted straight. If youre going to cap someone, you gotta do it right.


  3. That shit is fuckin rad FUuck it what ever you gotta do to get up cap or be caped! fuck it street art is street art bands who kill it like taggers "who could write" are fuckin bad ass! and people who talk shit are prolly people who say their writers and got wack skillz!! Draino AOB WHC Gotham City Criminals!

  4. Street art is street art. Whether its a poster or a painted wall. Just another band that is trying to make it is an understatement, these guys are well on their way. And to say that it's just another band trying to use the streets, who are you buddy to say that the streets haven't ever been used for that. All famous artists used the streets to get their names out. Look up and educate yourself before you run in a rant and try smashing on other people like you're some sort of well known person. Any band member that works hard on their art has my respect and Ballerina black is one of them. Don't talk or open your mouth if you don't know what you're talking about.. Keep it up Guys and of course you have to take the good and the bad when being criticized.
