Monday, November 14, 2011

Teach Each City Hall

Teacher continues his trek to raise awareness about education and the need for greater funding, and he is taking the message right to the front steps of City Hall.

Last week M&F posted how Teacher had hit City Hall in Santa Monica. And now, Teacher goes big time hitting the front porch of LA's towering City Hall. He hangs a custom made 'Teach Each Child' sign right outside the front steps.

Great message, and we are impressed with how Teacher is 'doing' something with his art.

Stay up. And keep teachin'~


  1. WOW!!! what a fantastic spot!!! (notice the kids shoes hanging along wit the piece nice touch!) CLASS IS IN SESSION!!!


  2. "Teacher is 'doing' something with his art."

    Yeah, if you mean littering.

  3. ^ Littering? If this is litter, I wish teacher would litter all over LA. We can use more of this kind of 'littering'.
