Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Don't Cap Me, Loser

Septerhed is not happy with getting capped by the Scientology guy, and Sept him a little message to let him know how he feels.

Not sure what is up with this Scientology guy, but no one is impressed, with the pieces, or the placement.


  1. Is there a bounty? Should we start a neighborhood watch program? A street artist is breaking the rules and challenging the status quo, oh my!

    I agree...theymay not win the gold medal in either category but they are obviously not a first timer, which means theyre just trying to irritate people or they're expressing some sort of pent up aggression thru an anonymous alter ego of sorts. If they get attention they win....let it be.

  2. I wish street artist had ANY writing skill. No fuckin style. toy.

  3. in all fairness, you guys "cap" each other all the time. what exactly are the rules?
    I mean at least this person is doing something different, most of the stuff out there is regurgitated boring stuff.

  4. I'm impressed Mr. Melrose and Fairfax. I'm impressed.


  5. street art beef lmfao

  6. Dont put your shitty wheat pastes on my property over privileged street artist.

  7. Did Sept really draw a baseball cap?? what a crybaby TOY!!
