Monday, September 10, 2012

Graffiti Arrest Inspires Picture of the Year

This picture has been getting all kinds of press, and nearly everyone has been calling it the picture of the year.  The shot captures a romantic outlaw moment, with two young lovers leaning over to kiss each other while wearing handcuffs and in the process of getting arrested.  Their is a playful mischief in the girls expression, and a sincere longing on the guys.

It turns out that this picture was snapped in New York, right after the male in the picture got arrested for doing graffiti.  The sexy girl was his look out.  The male's actual name has been released, but we still have not heard his graffiti name.  Anyone know?

The photo was taken by Mo Gebler, who is trying to get the lover's permission to enter the photo into a Ron Howard sponsored photo contest, where the pic is already and early favorite to win--however, Mo is having problems getting the permission of the jailed male, and the deadline is approaching.  You can read the full story at the New York Daily News.

***Thanks to Daniela for the heads up***


  1. crazy he got caught look at the

  2. remind me never to use her as a look out

  3. best pic ever. its already my background
