Monday, September 3, 2012

Teacher's Portraits of Power

Teacher recently held a spur-of-the-moment solo art exhibition in the Hollywood Hills.  The show featured new work from Teacher from his series entitled 'Portraits of Power'.

The pieces feature all kinds of politicians, celebrities, and notable dignitaries.  As you can see, Teacher's studio work is beyond impressive.  Lots of people can paint portraits that kind of look like the person, but Teacher is one of the gifted few who have the ability to really capture a mirror like likeness.

Really impressed with the Obama painting.

In the back area, Teacher also snuck in some tastefully erotic paintings, like the 2nd from the last pic.

Dig it.  Stay in power and stay up!


  1. sec to last one is most powerful - pussy power!

  2. Great street art
    wait it's not street art!

    1. Anonymous at 8:56 your a genius
      wait, no, your just a douche bag!

  3. Great art by a great street artist nuf said.
