Thursday, January 6, 2011

Calm Through the Storm (Why We Don't Post Negative Comments)

He's been scratched at, hacked at, picked at, and hassled, but . . .

. . . the look on this Sezier sticker is completely calm and unfazed by it all.

We admire Seizer's composure, and try to do the same. We received a comment yesterday asking why we don't post the negative comments? The answer is very simple- why would we?

This blog is a celebration of street art in Los Angeles. We really try to be as supportive and enthusiastic about the scene as we can be. We shine a light on most, and are not out to get anyone.

What are the guidelines we go by? We welcome dissenting, alternative viewpoints. But we won't post pure dickishness. And to the handful of anonymous, half assed threats that we get, we really don't give a fuck about any of you or what you say. Talk is cheap. We are out on the streets every day.

There are always going to be strong feelings about street art. MELROSEandFAIRFAX is going to keep doing what we are doing, and keep staying positive. The success of this blog speaks for itself.

So all the fierce armchair warriors and computer screen soldiers can learn to cope with the way things are going to be, or just fuck off altogether.

And to the legions of fans who support this blog, we can only say "Thank You". We love you and appreciate all the fellow lovers of Los Angeles' street art. It must be said, we get 30 positive comments to every negative one (but sometimes the haters get angry!) Anyway, we felt that this bit must be said.

Stay up, M&F~


  1. haters gonna hate.

  2. grateful for the service you guys provide. but its gotten to be kind of an addiction, i check this site more than..anything? so i guess i can see where the negativity stems from, so, i say, fuck you m&f! hahahahahaha
