Monday, January 24, 2011

CBS Mural Bombed

This mural that is in-process from CBS got bombed with a throwie from AST(?).

Cool how they worked it into the cloud piece that was already there from Dytch.

The artwork on this CBS mural is impressive, no doubt. But the same stuff on the same wall for 10 years gets old no matter what it is, and we like seeing this AST young blood add some street to the piece.

***And we love getting all the comments on 'how we don't know (fill-in-the-blank) about graffiti' and that we should 'do research'. Point us to the book, and we will do the fuckin' research. But there is no book, is there? We are just showing what happens on the streets-it doesn't need research--we post what is happening. If someone has some knowledge that they would like to add to the discussion, that is great and we welcome the input and knowledge. But comments like this one really don't do much.****


  1. are you outta your mind...before you talk about stuff do a little research or just stop what you're doing altogether because you have no idea what you are talking about.

  2. if you don't know things, don't speak on them. it's as simple as that.
