Thursday, April 7, 2011

Coming Out Party

New hand painted worm from Swift. He is coming out of his hole, and all dressed up for a party.

Up with a new stencil from THEFL.


  1. Damn I figured that would have been buffed already ... I sprayed that there a while back in the rain. I love me some Swift characters any day.

  2. Swift's color choices are awesome. I want a Swift t-shirt!

  3. Thefl, is that stencil supposed to be a jelly fish?

  4. B - sometimes i just get reckless :) I was just passing through the alley from a night of doing pragmatic pieces and just felt like throwing up some weird shit. I dont have one certain style..just do whatever i feel at the time. Sometimes its cool sometimes its a jellyfishmountaincakebarf
