Sunday, May 15, 2011

Free Humanity's Forbidden Fruit

A closer look at Free Humanity's 'Forbidden Fruit'.

Free Humanity's 'Forbidden Fruit' caused quite the stir when it set off a bomb scare in downtown Los Angeles.

Here is a closer look at the piece itself. It is really clean and well put together, and the grenade tip could look quite imposing.

And a few updates. We had previously thought that it used a real apple, but it is a decorative apple, and feels solid. And, contrary to news reports, we understand that it was never hanging from a string in the tree, but the 'Forbidden Fruit' was just suspended from the tree itself.


  1. free does some pretty cool stuff. it's too bad he's such an asshole

  2. i've never seen Free disrespect anyone but a lot of people do hate on him,
    i wonder why

  3. Its because his work has a message..

    people don't like messages..

    it makes them think or feel. Eff that!
