Monday, February 27, 2012

Naughty Teacher

Yes that's a penis. Yes that's a vagina. Yes this is art.

Another painting from Teacher's Love and Desire series.

Stay up!


  1. Replies
    1. Actual size..... Ahahahahahahh

    2. 12inches by 48inches wood panel.

  2. He should call it THE PUNISHER!

  3. Slightly reminiscent of Alex Grey's work during his wife's pregnancy. Cool series teach

  4. is this street art?

    1. Phil, is that your name or just what you do? Phil up space. You're such and idiot that I'm amazed you were able to make it past the complicated two word code thing you have to do these days in order to leave a comment on the blog. Your level of stupidity makes me dizzy and I really don't know if I can speak dumb enough to communicate with you, but because you took the time and effort and somehow made it past the two word code thing with your comment I will do my best.... No, this is not street art, it is art done by a street artist.... I realize you probably just blew a fuse trying to read all this, so its probably best if you venture up out of the basement and feed on the cookies grandma just made.

    2. mahahahahahah! That is some funny shit! Thank you! ..... I just read it again - mahahahahahahahahahahh!!!!!

  5. Love the shooting star!

  6. i wonder what goes on in your head when
    you realize that you are spending days
    painting an oversized penis

    1. well, it didn't take days to do this painting - took about 3-4 hours. and when i realized it took me that long, i thought, hmmmmm, that's long enough.... i hope that answers what you were wondering about..... i wonder what goes on in your head when you realize that you think the penis is oversized.

  7. We got too much conflict and rage in this country. Folks need to whack-off and chill-out. Ad sidera per lactantium iijs!

  8. Hey wtf, I didn't give this artist permission to use my dick.
