Sunday, July 11, 2010

McDonalds Death Cigarettes

Eh, I'll get my least favorites out of the way right now.

Spotted this 'McDonalds M for Murder' sticker on Melrose.

Sure, I fully agree that McDonalds is a tremendous company serving unhealthy food that is mass marketing to kids in underhanded ways.

But c'mon. If you die from McDonalds food, its only cause you choose to eat there.

And McDonalds food is deadly enough. The comparison to McD's as cigarettes is a stretch. It is obvious this person doesn't like McDonalds. It is also clear that the sticker artists own message is elementary and not fully thought out.

I encourage the artist to keep getting up. But spend more time thinking about how to present the idea, and much more time in photoshop ;)

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