Monday, June 4, 2012

DroneX Street Art Causes Trouble

DroneX rolled through Los Angeles a couple of months ago. The art collective brought quality art and hit hot spots in Los Angeles, many of which are still riding.

Well, Dronex has since left LA, but the art group recently made news in the Bible Belt when Dronex was accused of stealing and defacing a billboard. It was a religious billboard that accosted gays and people who need to have an abortion performed. The billboard got taken down, and 'improved' with Dronex characters.

This situation raises some interesting questions on street art and free speech. Sure, the Bible thumpers from church paid $8000 for the billboard, but just because they paid for it, does that necessarily give them the right to admonish people publicly? Well, not if a limber street artist has anything to say about it~

Big ups to Dronex for getting up big, and helping spread a positive message by killing a negative one.

Stay up!


  1. They probably paid for it with church funds so...

  2. MAJOR local support for the Dronex team! At least from those of us that "get it" and not the lemmings attached to this eyesore of a billboard... Ah, but it's gone now so what's it matter, right? hehehe ;-D

  3. No.... they don't have a right to admonish people publicly. Especially when they can't choose their audience. I did not appreciate, when driving by the Billboard of Hate, my 9 year old asking "Mom, what's abortion?". Dronex Inc. is a hero in my book.

  4. Dronex worldwide takeover...

  5. oh hell to the yeah.

  6. Dronex, you are so, so, awesome. Thanks for having the balls to do what the rest of us non-bigots wish we had done.
