Friday, November 2, 2012

Teacher's Modern Family Billboard

Teacher has a new project, a mini billboard featuring the hit ABC sitcom Modern Family.

This stunning piece showcases the different facets of Teacher's artistic skills.  Teacher is not only an amazing painter who perfectly captured each character's likeness with their portrait on the billboard.  But the billboard itself is a hand crafted replica, and stands as an impressive work of art in its own right.    Really incredible craftsmanship that looks like a model plane.  However, Teacher didn't use any sort of model or instructions to create the billboard replica--like with his stencils he put this together with only the strength of brain power.  As you can see in the pics, this piece looks professional, like it was factory produced.

Another thing that to love about this billboard is the way that Teacher brings the street flavor into his gallery pieces.  The bottom of the billboard is comboed up with stickers as though it had got hit up on the street.  Teacher has made a name and been called the King of Sunset for his bombing of full size billboards on the strip.  Fittingly, there is a 'Teach Each Child' voice box placed up top of the billboard, as if it got bombed on the streets.

Art is not a contest.  But if it were, the skill level demonstrated with this piece show that hands down, Teacher is arguably the best pure artist getting up in the streets of Los Angeles.  As we said earlier, Teacher showcases his incredible talents on this Modern Family gallery piece.  And pieces like this Modern Family billboard will be undoubtedly be showcased in a museum one day.

Stay up!


  1. Stay up indeed little Bro.!
    Enjoy that sunshine down there...

  2. thanks to all for the kind words!

    Scale Worm, come on down from seattle for a visit to get some sun and hit me up when you do.

