Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Banksy Doesn't Get All The Credit . . .

Nearly every time stencils are brought up in conversation these days, in person or on the internet, people want to bring up Banksy.

Some people are adamant that Banksy ripped off Blek le Rat, and anything post-Banksy is a Banksy rip-off . . . blah, blah blah, blah, blah . . .

MELROSEandFAIRFAX is not knocking Banksy and remain huge fans of the artist. We also feel that it is dismissive and unfair to credit Banksy, Blek or any one artist with an entire genre.

This particular stencil is the first stencil we ever saw on the street. We think it is by artist MINE. It has been running for roughly 15 years now.

It is a cool stencil that was out and up well before Banksy became a household name. And this is one of those pieces that society has embraced, giving it love and letting it ride undisturbed for a full decade and a half.

Love it~

Stay up~

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