Monday, March 21, 2011

JR Gets Tagged

JR's mural gets tagged on Melrose. Click the jump to read more about our thoughts on this, the idea of street art 'team', and why LA is the best place for street art in the world

After being 'decorated' by David Flores last week, JR's mural gets tagged on Melrose.

The people who don't like graffiti will probably despise this, while supporters of graff might support this as the 'organic process of a piece on the streets'.

Our take on it is that it is a poor move and in bad taste. Mainly because there are plenty of blank walls in the city, and even right next to this one. But the writers chose to hit this wall for obvious reasons.

While we are never big fans of 'fame-jocking' (c'mon, at least in NY they do it with style and full color fill-ins!), the biggest issue to us is the violation of the idea of 'team'. We understand that not everyone sees it this way, but we feel that street art is a movement, and those who are getting up are part of the 'team'. Graffiti is at the root of this movement, and in our opinion a very big part of it. And just like animals don't shit where they eat, members of the movement shouldn't play against the team by defacing art like this.

Not everyone may agree, but we feel that this piece by JR was epic, and best in its natural state.

Fortunately, for the most part most artists get up respectfully, and LA doesn't carry a lot of beef that some city's seem to have (where the only hot spots are just folks capping over each other). Its cool how in LA, most pieces are treated with respect and get the time to shine. Maybe that's why LA is becoming the top spot for street art in the entire world.


  1. Yeah...
    I saw this last night after a run.
    Kinda bummy.
    Honestly enjoyed the DF addition.
    However, this is just a whack addition...

  2. A' Street Artist' that Graffs Better than you do...March 21, 2011 at 1:47 PM

    TOYS will be TOYS. Fucking talentless retards, pissing on a beautiful piece wall just for the fame. My mom could throw down better outlines. Quit now, you have no balls, and suck at graffiti

  3. Without competition, artists will continue to put out the same pieces in the same spots without any motivation to change. Even if you might not like the tags, like you said above, it is all part of the natural progression of ephemeral art. Would artists be motivated to get up on rooftops, billboards, and other impressive spots if it wasn't for the competition from other artists and buffers on the ground level?

  4. Lol, abno and hour are insanely gifted writers. Dicks? Maybe.. Talentless, wrong.

  5. I love Abno and Hour. The streets are free play and caps are part of the game.

  6. A' Street Artist' that Graffs Better than you do...March 22, 2011 at 3:31 AM

    When you say gifted i think "short bus" gifted, so yeah they probably are "gifted writers".

    Graffiti is so often for those people who want to wallow in their own sorrows, and do nothing to make it better, but destroy shit to get even. What a pointless pursuit. If you try to make money doing it, then you are a "sell out". Destroying shit bc you are mad, or pissing on the corner fire hydrant so that the other old dogs still smelling piss, know you were there. Congratulations, mate. You guys are some really smart individuals. How old are these bloaks anyways? What do they do for day jobs?

    This is pointless. If they are so talented, why put up something so ugly, they aren't representing your aforementioned "insane gifts". Grow some balls, FILL THEM IN at least. Where I'm from, those outlines are some kiddie shit, unless they are directly across the road from your local police station.

    This is such graffiti bullshit, "caps are part of the game" yeah well you cap shit with shit that is better than the shit under it. Oh wait, you dont follow your own "rules" whenever 'you' feel like it.

    Its no wonder these two twats will probably never be anything more than some white outlines on JR's masterpiece. JR won $100,000 for his genius. These geniuses probably dont have 100,000 cents between them and never will. So who is "insanely gifted" and who is just a hack, mad and jealous at other people's success? yeah, thats what i though too...

    I know you probably didn't read, or understand most of this. You could consider getting your GED and then some online college might just let you one the door. Or on their website, I guess. HAHAHA!

  7. Love the utter condescension and elite tone there "street artist". Posting anonymously on blogs really proves you are a "serious" artists and abno, hour and the rest of us are stupid high school dropouts. Maybe do a little research. Look at the writers other work. Maybe they didn't like the JR piece. I love a lot of his work, especially his work in Cambodia, but the murals he recently put up around LA don't strike me as having any incredible meaning, and are far from his best work. Art is in the eye of the beholder and just because you have some idealized version of what urban art should look it doesn't mean you have the right to denigrate others' work. You are quite the comedian though. That GED joke was classic...

  8. it's all about jealousy.

  9. I see some people like hollows, LOL!

  10. I must certainly post anonymously, otherwise these hoodlums, with nothing better to do, would fuck with my art. And if that is no longer enough for them, then they will try to find me to fuck me up too. I admit distance is in my favor (and a plane flight is much too expensive for these goons), but still I dont mess with angry loons with a chip on their shoulder. I'm not a group of people hiding under one moniker. I'm just one person who thinks they could at least have filled these in! Maybe even a splash of color?!

    But, what a wonderful world we live in. They didn't like it? So they should write some bullshit on it? Great logic. Smart fellows. Obviously going places. Perhaps just to the local bus depot and then back to the liquor store., though.

    As for research, I know enough about these two geniuses already. And after this, this is probably the last thing they will do for me to hear of them again. Unless of course, they deface another piece of art done by someone who has taken the time to make a name for themselves through actual hard work and creativity. Those white letters are tired, old, repetitious and useless. Do something new!!! Is that so hard? Fucking robots with a spray can.

    The "White Outline Geniuses" = Jealous.

    Left Coast don't compare yourself or other "artists" to these "writers", you are obviously much smarter.

  11. Props To ABNO and HOUR !!!!

  12. Why isn't the JR mural "tired, old, repetitious and useless"? It's visually striking, but far from his best work. Both Hour and Abno are respected writers who have written alongside legends like Rime and Ruets. Get off your high horse and look beyond the paradigm that artists like JR, Banksy, and Fairey are gods.
