Monday, December 12, 2011

New Works from Banksy - Building Castles in the Sky

Banksy updated his outdoor website earlier today, and released pictures of a few new pieces put up in the UK.

This one is perfect for the current bureaucratic hop scotch that is trying to be set in place to paint murals in Los Angeles. As the Banksy piece says 'You don't need planning permission to build castles in the sky'.

Or planning commissions, either. Lol (thanks!)

Dig how the piece is made into a smile on the building. Also impressive if the stencil is one giant piece.

Dig it. Keep building~


  1. If anyone out there knows the location of any of the 7-8 new pieces banksy has put up, please post them. I'm heading to the uk in two weeks and would love to track them down! thanks!!

  2. planning permission not commission... need to spank your staff a little =)

  3. Ian, let me know which ones you want and I will post what I can for you. Been to see some today.

  4. Hey Matt,
    I'm going to be in London in March with my urban design class. I've also been looking on-line for locations of these pieces (especially this "castles in the sky" piece). Seems like it's in Poplar. Any info would be greatly appreciated!
