Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Billboard Taken Over!

This billboard is the same location where the post from yesterday on Bamp's Mona Lisa themed 'Is This Illegal?', was at. But that billboard got stolen--assumably by someone wanting to take home a piece of street art.

Right after Bamp's version got taken, All the Girls Love Earl came and hit the spot with a massive new paster. Joining Alec Monopoly and Free Humanity who have been riding under the billboard for some time.

Also up with graffiti from Scape and new Desire Obtain Cherish, and more Alec on the box down below.


  1. what exactly is this Earl thing?
    Super vague-is it just a repetition thing like Obey or....???
    Just seems so random in its non development.

  2. you can read Earl's bio here;

    and an Earl interview here;
