Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Teacher School'n Sacramento

A short video from Teacher with a close-up look at his School'n Sacramento 3d art installation.

Shot in front of the Capitol Building, the video shows the way we wish it was, and the way the system is.

Keep schoolin'!


  1. If approved, doesn't 32 ban corporate contributions to politicians... and contracts based on political contributions?

  2. what kills me is how much money is wasted on campaigns that basically say "trust us not the others" and confusing ads about propositions - instead of being used to improve the education system... here's a simple solution - take care of the children first, and if there's any money left after health care and everything else is covered, maybe use that money to campaign with.


  3. I am saddened/sickened when I think of how much money goes into campaigns. Money for schools, so with education, money comes from the properly schooled... A strong publicly supported educational system leads to a stronger, educated people empowered nation.
    Powerful education = Powerful nation.
