A piece from Common Cents went up featuring a girl standing there as if she had spray painted 'You Are A Miracle'.
Then, after that went up, someone else came along with a different shade of red spray paint, crossed out 'miracle' and changed it to say 'You Are Not Banksy'.
***Thanks to John Wellington Ennis for the pic***
Like the famous Earl Lee says, "If you're gettin' hate, you're doin' great!"
ReplyDeleteHahaha this is humor! So many wanna be Banksys out there
ReplyDeleteHa ha! Maybe this help curb all the wanna be street artists from putting up their shit on the streets.
ReplyDeletejust let them be.... its not like its your problem lol
ReplyDelete"YOU ARE not bankrupt slut..."
ReplyDeleteBig ups to whoever crossed this clown out. Detail on the girls body is HORRIBLE. Definitely NOT Banksy.
ReplyDeleteFunny, people come to this blog to view street art. And when they see that someone disapproves of a piece they jump on the bandwagon to seem like they are some sort of expert. Street art is subjective. You like what you like and dislike what you don't. Banksy isn't the only person in the world with a spray can and a message. The work and risk these people put in is undeserving of criticism. Common Cents kills it!
ReplyDeleteStay Fresh,
Oh, an uplifting message! I should probably take this opportunity to do something mean spirited because art isn't about putting something positive in the world, it's about pissing on people with the same tired ass lines.
ReplyDeleteCan we just all agree to have a moratorium on telling people they aren't Banksy? Nobody thinks they're Banksy! I can name about ten different artists that this could have found inspiration from. Shockingly there is more than one artist to ever use stencils and text in their work.
I think he knows art is subjective but is probably tired of all the gimmicky street art out there. I know I am. Good job to whoever did this.
ReplyDeleteMorley they say that because banksy is the only street artist they know. They saw gift shop and went to the hardware store and bought a can of Crylon and a hoodie and act like they contribute when all they do is make a mess of someone else's art. They are the real posers pretending to have an interest when all they are doing is following what's hot at the moment. Weak!!!
ReplyDeleteStay Fresh,
Banksy Banksy Banksy. The only street artist EVER. I think whoever wrote that did a good job of identifying the piece. They obviously know a Banksy when they see one, and that is not a Banksy. Some asshole will still come along and cut it of of the wall. I mean to date it's got to be the closest to any of the pieces cut out. At least this 1 says Banksy. Even when the change to a piece on the street is not flattering, somehow someday hopefully, the beauty of non commissioned changes is something that can be appreciated by both parties of the incident.
ReplyDeleteprops to CC for getting up
and props to the prankster for adding to the piece
common cents, i'm a fan. stay up!
ReplyDeleteIm sure whoever did this knows that Banksy is not the only street artist there is- however Banksy is synonymous with street art because of exit through the giftshop, and it looks like this guys shit is all your typical gimmicky street art- just like the hundreds of other gimmicky street art that came out after exit through the gift shop. Common Cents is a gimmick and got called out. Get off his nuts. Gimmick.
ReplyDeleteCan all you fuckin idiots shut the fuck up. I was drunk when I wrote this (I have no problem with whoever common cents is) and I am well aware that Banksy is not the only street artist, I happen to have done more street are than any of you idiots that commented- guaranteed. So shut the fuck up already and stop looking into things. Peace
ReplyDeleteMatty, don't get schooled on the game. Have a sense of humor, for your information- no I did not go get this can at a hardware store and wear hoodie when I did this. I was actually in my best Diesel Jeans and Affliction shirt, I walked out of Darkroom with with like 20 bitches and thought "grafflife time" pulled out my red can from my BMW and wrote this. P.s. I've worked with many writers across the globe- you know the ones you drool over? So you might wanna post anonymously next time you make a fool of yourself publicly "Matty". A wheat paste of a girl holding a can interacting with a wall- jesus christ that's so ground breaking, we've never seen that before? This guys shit is as run of the mill as it comes and I wrote "youre not banksy" because he seems like the millions of writers that saw the movie and thought hed have a go at street art. So in reality its the exact opposite of what you thought "Matty". -Signed anonymous
ReplyDeletebut maybe he is Banksy? ummmm...
ReplyDeletei agree with some of the people, everyone is trying to be like fairey and banksy, shit have the people on the site shown here are like that.. get some good stuff like BUFFdiss
ReplyDeleteBig ups to Common Cent$. Get up, stay up.
ReplyDeletebut maybe he is banksy?
ReplyDeleteI am Banksy. This isn't bad.
ReplyDeletehaha, all this is so cute. while you guys worry about defining art, see me when you see me
ReplyDeleteThis wack "street art piece" and the thread of comments above encapsulate the recent uptick of untalented, band wagon, fly by night street artists. Alot of bombers are tired of the blatant disregard to the rules.. Stay off the streets... some writers wont warn you, theyl just fuck you up..
ReplyDeleteto the guy getting philosophical about street art, I think a main objective of the said art is not have originality. This is obviously a guy trying to be JUST LIKE HIM. Stupid.
ReplyDeletewhat is a banksy?
ReplyDeletethe model girl used for the stencil has a non existent ass.. i cant tell where her back ends and her ass begins
ReplyDeleteI guess Banksy invented the stencil. Everyone else should throw away their cardboard and exacto-knives right now. Stencils are dead in LA, Banksy was there a few times.
humongous fan common, yes i love banksy but hes not my only inspiration. cc is obviously not trying to be banksy i dont think anybody really is besides a few douches out there. whoever did this its kinda funny but obviously doesnt know much about the street art world. stay up.
word the fuck up w16. get bend you fuckin tools banksy uses a single layer first of all and little color stop comparing people who stencil to that fag hes not even that good and hes the poser in the first place if you want to say some shit like that say "you arnt Blek" learn where this shit comes from before you start running your damn mouths...