Thursday, March 8, 2012

Is Teacher Jumping Into the Phone Jacks Fray?

New pasters saying 'Teacher' started showing up. Like the Free Humanity ones, these are mostly capping actual Phone Jacks pasters.

Is this Teacher? Or someone else?

***Thanks to John Wellington Ennis for the middle pic***


  1. hahahahhahahahaha nice!


  2. i'm assuming he knows the golden rule and is wanting others to do unto him as he has done to them and i feel bad that it has taken me this long to do so. big thanks to Free Humanity for the idea and getting it started!!.... i think we should all take turns. who's next - Septerhed, Earl, Thank you X, DOC???

    1. AMEN to that! I've seen Phone Jacks over a lot of cool pieces. He needs to get served!

  3. i guess teachers are suppose to "teach" what have already been done

  4. Teacher biting FH, and FH biting everyone else. These guys are LAME.

  5. Didnt FH did this already??


  7. i don't get it
    so everyone should copy Free Humanity? i thought teacher got busted?

  8. Let's see, from what I remember, the feds are after FH and the cops busted Teacher. And these two guys are the only ones who've gone after phone jacks? What does that say about the rest of LA's street artists? That's LAME!!!!!

    1. Feds after Free Humanity - cops bustingTeacher......... What the hell is this world coming to?!

  9. wow how original. are you "teaching" us to cap other street artists work as well? i noticed you capped a bunch of art work. not very cool "professor."

    1. this particular paster isn't about being original its about playing the street art game and returning the love to phone jacks. the pic you see up top is over a bunch of scuffed and buffed pieces. i also hit a few scientology pasters because a few weeks ago a couple of my stenciled pieces that had been riding for about 9 months got buffed when he spotjacked me. btw if they were free-hand work i wouldn't have capped them - they're just blown up photos. the only one i felt bad about was i accidentally capped an awesome poster by TOOLZ - i thought it was just an ad about some guy giving seminars. i already apologized to him - sorry again bro - i promise to look closer next time.

  10. LMAO, someone please teach Teacher the rules of street art. Theres no such thing as "taking turns". And you dont do something that has been done already and then "Thank" him for the idea. LMAO. Funniest shit I've seen in a while.

    1. Why don't you do it!? You run ur mouth as if u know "the rules".

  11. Spot Jacks

  12. teacher seriously...i usually stay quiet but i think you care too much what others think... instead why not give two shits... hell i don't give one.. END!

  13. lol wtf teacher you sound like a dad trying to be cool

    someone teach him the rules? let him learn the hard way ;)

  14. all this shit about spot jacking, and buffing, and capping, and blah blah blah. it sounds like a bunch of masturbation to me. maybe someone should write a rule book to street art. oh wait apparently "Teacher" already has. NONE of you own the streets!!! In LA the pidgeons do! Get over your egos, you all have enough problems with the grey paint squadrons. fight the good fight.

    1. nicely done...

    2. There are rules to what you clowns now call "STREET ART" its's true name is GRAFFITI ART and there have always been rules that in LA and it can get dangerous if not followed. All these street art idiots movin to LA have no clue and will end up getting themselves hurt if they dont start finding out about the street rules and following them soon

  15. LMAO @ "teacher you sound like a dad trying to be cool". Its so true.

    1. If Teacher was trying to be a cool dad I don't think he would have taken the name Teacher and be doing mostly work that brings attention to the education system. He sounds like a concerned dad that happens to be an artist and is taking it to the streets no matter what you guys say. You could use a lot more guys like him in your hypocritical country. Keep laughing as much as you can, my money's on Teacher being the one laughing in the end.

  16. I like dilf teachers

  17. Spot Jacks

    "this is the original" from Mr. F Bomb

  18. Kinda Whack to steal FH's idea

  19. Teacher u need to get bitch slapped up by some true LA "STREET ARTIST" who come from The Streets of LA cause alot of them are also crazy "STREET GANGSTERS". Your lucky it hasnt happened yet. Then you will never leave your house lol come to grips with reality of the LA streets idiot. Where do u think you are? Don't say i didn't give you a fair warning if you get knocked out by someone.
