Thursday, March 3, 2011

Do Everything in Style

The streets are open to anyone, but it is not enough to just get up, you'd better do it with style. Click the jump for more.

'Do Everything in Love' is a cool sentiment, but there is no style, and the suggestion to do everything in skill is a welcome tip.

To quote Charles Bukowski on Style

"Style is the answer to anything
A fresh way to approach a dull or dangerous thing
To do a dull thing with style
Is preferable to doing a dangerous thing without style
To do a dangerous thing with style is what I call ar



  1. fuck yeah bukowski!!!!

  2. thats a really awesome quote. <3

  3. skill ≠ style ≠ creativity

    Doing everything in love implies doing things skillfully and to the best of one's abilities. No one would make something debased, crass, or mediocre if they were truly acting out of love. In fact to hone ones skills and to seek perfection is often a drive created from love.

    If you criticize the artist for not having style or skill you must also criticize the commentator for not writing skill skillfully or with style. To refrain from doing so would be hypocritical. In fact the commentator is undermining himself by writing in such a way which is deaf to his own advice.

    Also, just because you perceive something as lacking in style does not mean it is void of it.

  4. took the words right out of my mouth ordo
