Tuesday, March 22, 2011

New Mr. Brainwash in Los Angeles

All you need is love~

Mr. Brainwash just put up fresh new art on his wall in Los Angeles. Click the jump for more M&F exclusive shots

Mr. Brainwash puts up a fresh John Lennon themed piece on his studio wall in Los Angeles.

We got sent these pics from KR. He said, and we have heard this a few times, that Mr. Brainwash is extremely nice in person, and that he even went inside the studio to grab some free posters for KR and his friend. (pics coming later)


  1. I was enjoying a Street Art tour with a friend and we ran into MBW in front of his studio. He hooked us up with a bunch of awesome posters and postcards and even signed a few for us! Such a great guy!

  2. he gave me and my sister posters to even took some pictures with us :) i love Mbw
