Saturday, March 5, 2011

Pics From JR's Inside Out Exhibit (Pt. 1/3)

Just like the artwork, the experience was spectacular. Here are some pics from JR's participatory art exhibit 'Inside Out'.

When we found out that JR's 'Inside Out' was only a two-day event for the general public and ended yesterday, we cancelled all our plans, arranged a new ride for the better half of M&F to get to work, and hustled down to the Phantom Gallery in Long Beach to experience JR's show in person.

And the experience was truly spectacular. The artwork was amazing, the people we met were all cool art enthusiasts, and perhaps the best thing of all was getting the chance to participate in JR's artwork. Everyone who went to the show had the chance to contribute to the Inside Out project by having a photo taken in the special photo booth set up with JR's signature lighting and filters.

And everyone who got their picture taken received a massive 5 foot by 3 foot print of the photo, which JR hopes people will put out to hang in the community.

The show was huge, and the turnout was more than anticipated. When we left Friday mid-afternoon, the gallery told us they were running short on ink and paper. Hopefully, a good amount of LA-based art lovers were able to make it over and participate. But anyone in the world can participate in the Inside Out project online by visiting the website and submitting a pic online, and receive a poster to hang up. More information and details about JR's project can be found at the website HERE.

We are going to start our coverage from the outside in, and here are the pics of JR's artwork on the outside of the Phantom Gallery's building. As someone pointed out, the rips and tears in the pieces really show how the art is alive.


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