Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Sonora Selectively Buffed

The Sonora Cafe has become a hot spot for graffiti and street art in Los Angeles. It seems that whoever curates the wall does make a distinction between street art and graffiti because all of the graffiti got buffed, but the street art is still riding. Click the jump below for more pics and info

This is interesting because its almost like a tacit approval of the street art, while saying 'we don't want this' to the graffiti. Cool how they went out of the way to preserve the Free Humanity piece. They did paint over the massive Seizer face, but it already had a large chunk torn out.

We've always felt that they go hand in hand, and you can't have one without the other. To see what the wall looked like before the buff, CLICK HERE

Also interesting how the buff was done in gray, and whoever painted it didn't even make an attempt to color match the wall.

Still riding at this spot is street art from Bankrupt Slut, Free Humanity, Zombie, 2wenty, KilleD, CiBass, Alec Monopoly and a few more.


  1. That's interesting. Do business owners get fined by the city for graffiti, but not wheat paste?

  2. no close up or bigger picture this is series news
