An 11-yr old street artist hit the streets of Melrose with this picture of Amy Winehouse.
The sticker is signed 'Skyler Grey', and that is the artist's name. Apparently, Skyler recently did a collaboration painting with Gregory Siff. At 11 years old, Skyler is one of the youngest artists to be hitting the streets, along with 9 yr old Bod Bod.
Stay up!
***Thanks to Big H for sending in the pics and the story!***

I met this kid at LAB Art a while ago and he showed me his black book. He had Keith Haring and Andy Warhol interpetations in it. I was blown away, cause not only could he draw them, he could talk to me about the artist. I was like wait this is a little kid. This kid is going places! Glad he's getting some shine on this website.
ReplyDeletedon't overreact....this kid is just going thru the phase of tryinf to b a street artist...he'll give up after a bit...no big deal...kids need to be home doing homework not in the streets lookin for trouble..i hope the cops get him a scare him straight...
ReplyDeletefor the guy who posted up top..if its not a phase then what? Cops scare him str8? How do you know that he didnt do his homework b4 he went bombing? LOL Sounds like you are a h8er to me! I think its a really creative sticker. Good job little man!!!
ReplyDeleteAll of the comments have merit. Street Artist??? The kid seems to have role models that have addiction issues.
ReplyDeleteWhy Amy?? Andy?? Andy was a sick X%&@!! AMY, we know how she ended up! Where is this kids parents?? Someone needs to investigate!!
Personal stories aside the Amy Winehouse house stickers is a strong visual image . Warhol was a sick @###? Strange yes. Sick? he's considered the most influential artist of the 20th century. Would you tell Thank You X or Alec Monopoly that their adoration for Warhol gives them addictive issues? Do your art history homework before you start bashing kids. The kid is doing something right, he's got us having a conversation! Thats more than alot of artist have done.
ReplyDeleteThat's a bad ass sticker. Where can I get one?
ReplyDeleteWHAT conversations. Art History and Kid bashing is not what this conversation is about. An 11 year old kid?? Get real. Where are his parents? Who is really promoting this???? Why not be original and call what he does "Sticker Attachment". In no way shape or form is it "ART" Get a picture of Lindsey Lohan in a white smock with dead bodies as a background and the kid would have two stickers to put on someone elses work. Andy Warhol, " Most Influential artist of the 20th century" NO.. he was one of many artist who made people look at art differently. Thank You X and Alec Monopoly ?????? I assume are grown men, not 11 year old boys!!!!! Adoration???........ Andy made a lot of money with his art but he was still an addict and a nut job. Amy was both. Neither one of them should be a monikar for an 11 year old kid. I get it! Idenity Confusion!!! NO parental guidence. Send the kid to school to learn Art and it's History then let's have a REAL conversation with the kid.